When people start an Songtai Life business or buy our products, we want them to be confident in their choice. That’s why we’ve established the most comprehensive customer service and consumer protections offering.

These protections include:

  • Zero purchase requirements and minimal sign-up fees for new business owners
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee with our products and business ownership, including a cooling-off period on purchases and buy-back policies on inventory
  • Customer service assistance for all Songtai Life product and business owner inquiries at no additional cost
  • Data protection
  • The right to know these protections exist and what is available to customers and IBOs in their market

Although specific provisions of Songtai Life Promise vary by market, all SBPs must follow the Rules of Conduct, which define the responsibilities of building and operating an Songtai Life business. The Rules are consistent with the Code of Ethics of the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA).